To accompany the launch of our new course, Introduction to Text Mining for Social Scientists on November 26, we’ve put together this handy video collection with SAGE Campus course instructor Gabe Ignatow. We’ve broken them down into useful sections to help give you a quick overview of Text Mining; we hope you find them useful. Find out how your institution can get SAGE Campus.
Gabe Ingnatow explores the advantages and limitations of using social media to acquire data.
SAGE Campus course intstructor Gabe Ignatow gives some advice for researchers thinking about using computational methods in their research.
We ask Professor Gabe Ignatow, what is the most exciting piece of research you have seen recently that uses computational methods?
SAGE Campus course instructor Gabe Ignatow explains the difference between text mining and text analysis.
How will computational methods benefit social science research in the near future? Hear from Gabe Ignatow, Professor at the University of North Texas.
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