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Check out our latest product features that make it even easier to create cohorts, assign courses to students and track learners’ progress.

Give faculty Course Assigner permissions

Share a Referral Link with Faculty

A Course Assigner role enables faculty to create and manage cohorts, assign courses and track the progress/completion of students/researchers within their cohorts. We’ve made it even easier for Institutional Administrators to grant the extra faculty/instructor permissions by sharing a Referral Link with faculty.

You can view and manage all Sage Campus users at your institution by clicking on ‘My Profile’ in the top right of the platform header and then selecting 'Manage institution'.

You will be shown a list of all the users at your institution who have created an account with Sage Campus. In the top right corner you now have an option to generate a Referral Link.

Share this Referral Link with faculty users to upgrade them to the Course Assigner role.

Bulk Edit Users

Institutional Administrators can also bulk edit users to upgrade them to Course Assigners. In the ‘Manage Institution’ area you can now select multiple users and upgrade them to the Course Assigner role by clicking ‘Upgrade users to CAs’ in the top right corner. This will only work if the user exists on the platform already as a Learner.

Learner Progress view

Course reports have been redesigned making it easier for Institutional Administrators to get a quick snapshot view of how cohorts are progressing through the courses. They can also drill down how individual learners are performing within the cohorts. A blank square means the learner has not started, the blue circle is ‘in progress’ and the green circle is done.

The Course Assigner view has also had a makeover. They can have a bird’s eye view how each learner is performing and whether they started or completed the course.